Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Masterpiece or a Flop?

I feel as though it has been forever since I have gotten to indulge on a full glass of red wine and sit in my thinking chair. OK to be fair I don't have a thinking chair. I have a very small apartment and my only chair I frequent is also shared with a 17lb dog that needs to sit next to me. This occasion would be no different.

I was walking down the wine isle of my local Trader Joe's when I noticed this bottle called Da Vinci. I thought to myself well Da Vinci had created great masterpieces such as the paintings of the Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man, and his most famous on of all The Mona Lisa. But, this man was the jack-of-all-trades if you will. He could do it all he was a painter, he could draw, he was an architect, a sculptor and an inventor. Oh he was also as I like to call a slight over achiever. I'll be happy if I succeed in one thing let alone master five different fields. But, I digress. Yes, I now know they didn't name the wine specifically after him but, they did name the town after him and the wine was named after the town so not a bad trade off. I didn't know that until I did a bit of research so my initial thought was wow these guys were pretty ballsy to call something a masterpiece by naming it after the master himself.

I take back that thought now knowing what I do now. I like a good Chianti. I had never had a Chianti until my family and I were traveling in Italy, Tuscany to be exact. I like a good full- bodied red wine and Chiantis are just that. It's amazing because now I can always tell when a wine comes from that region without knowing where that bottle came from before I take that first sip. As soon as it hits my taste buds it's like they begin applauding. It really is something in the soil that you taste and it's delicious.
Ok back to the Da Vinci is it a masterpiece or a flop?

The cork seems like it takes forever to get out of the bottle and not to sound barbaric but, i have to use my teeth to get it out that last little bit!!! Stupid wine opener. My parents are going to be pissed that i used my teeth considering they paid a lot for these Chiclets (my family calls my teeth)! But, the cork is finally out. That was the most physical activity I have done all day including going to work. I examined the cork and it was moist at the end just perfect. I poured that wine through my personal aerator(yup i got one what am I am amateur?) and watched as it in an orderly fashion filled my glass turning it from clear to a lovely plum color. And I don't know if it was the wine or the tear in my eye from excitement( because it has been such a long time) but it seemed like the wine sparkles in the light.
The scent seems like a deep blackberry with some oak and a bit of earth in there as well. Hey earthy is fine with me. We are all trying to be one with nature especially out here in LALA land so consider this my contribution.
The flavor is just as I had hoped it would be rich and tasty. It goes down easy leaving no bad aftertaste at all. It's one of those tastes that doesn't linger but fades evenly. I do taste a deep blackberry and also a cherry and some oak in there. Just a lovely combination that comes together in this bottle. Its not a complicated wine. It's simply delicious. Honestly, It lived up to the name. Nice Chianti to wash down a rich meal with. I'm not a meat eater but, if I was I'm thinking a good steak would taste just divine. If your a veggie person I'm going to try it with a lovely risotto creation and once my food coma wears off I'll brag on how delicious it was together.

I hope you guys get a chance to enjoy this wine as much as I did. At Trader Joe's you can find it for a mean $9.99. Not a bad price at all for me and I'm poor. So go grab that bottle put on some true Italian music, close your eyes and day dream to Tuscany. I'll meet you there for it's where I go in my dreams every night!

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